• 1220000135741 EAN
  • KMO 105 Produktnummer
  • CAG Leverandør
  • Stk Format
  • 2024 Produksjonsår
  • Legg til Se alle0Anmeldelser



Let the Strength & Dignity Silver Metal Keyring with Black Faux Leather Disc make a bold statement for you as you head out the door every day. Be reminded that with all of life’s uncertainty, you can laugh at the future because you trust your very future to God and his goodness.

Elegant and practical, the keyring has a luxurious faux leather disc as the backdrop for a contrasting silver metal disc. With classic style, two laser engraved, epoxy-filled flourishes and black lettering the silver disc delivers the message from Proverbs 31:25


Turn over the metal disc, and you’ll find the Proverbs 31:25 reference to remind you where you can find inspiration for your faith. This faux leather and metal combination keyring is a charm that is tough enough to use every day.
The understated beauty makes this keyring a wonderful gift for a mom or grandmother for Mother’s Day. Encourage a beloved mentor or Bible study leader as thanks for the time and effort they have put into your personal growth. Add the keyring to the stainless steel water bottle and compact mirror for a stunning ready-to-give gift for your friend’s birthday. Or, keep it for yourself and let the Strength & Dignity Silver Metal Keyring with Black Faux Leather Disc remind you daily that trusting God is the real key to a good life!

Black Faux Leather Disc
Silver Metal Medallion
Epoxy-Filled Metal
1-Inch - Split Metal Ring
Packaged in Acetate Box with Hanging Tab
Keyring Size: 2.8” x 1.55” x 0.2 ( 71 x 39 x 5mm)
Packaging Size: 6.2” x 2.3” x 0.6” (157 x 58 x 15 mm)

Hva synes du om dette produktet?

Magnetiske Bokmerker - Floral Garden (6 pk)

Floral Garden Magnetic Bookmark Set 

Portfolio Folder - Hope & Future Jer. 29:11

Markørpenn og notisblokk med Bibelvers inkludert i folderen. 

TIN 016 Bibelboks i Tinn - Stand Firm, Daily Inspiration For Men

Veil.pris: 298 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

Magnetstripe - Grandchildren Are The Crown Of Aged

Veil.pris: 39 NOK

Tilbudspris: 19 NOK

Du sparer: 20 NOK

MUG 647 Kopp - Kindness Matters

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

Bokmerke Kors - God So Loved The World

God So Loved The World Cross Bookmark - John 3:13 

GBA 213 Gavepose - To Mom With Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

MUG 949 Kopp - His Mercies Are New Every Morning (Lam 3:22-23)

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 200 NOK

MUG 1100 Kopp - Be Strong & Courageous Navy Blue (Joshua 1:9)

Veil.pris: 249 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 150 NOK

MUG 571 Kopp - Blessed Beyond Messure

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBL 631 Bibeltrekk Large - Trust In The Lord (Prov. 3:5)

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBL 682 Trust In The Lord Two-Tone Brown Classic Faux Leather Bible Cover - Large

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

KMO 052 Nøkkelring i etui - Teacher - It Takes A Big Heart To Shape Little Minds

Pink Blessings for a #1 Teacher Key Ring in Gift Tin - 1 Corinthians 16:14 

Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 49 NOK

Bokmerke - Do All The Good...

Do All the Good You Can Bookmark with Tassel - Galatians 6:9 

Magnetiske Bokmerker - Pink Roses (6 pk)

Pink Roses Magnetic Bookmark Set 

MUGS 21 Koppesett 2pk - A Beautiful Morning (414 ml)

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBL 768 His Mercies Are New Dark Amethyst Purple Fashion Bible Cover - (Lam. 3:22-23)

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

MUG 684 Kopp - Bless the LORD, O My Soul - Psalm 103:1

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

Bomerker 10 pk - Give Thanks To The Lord

Give Thanks to the LORD Sunday School/Teacher Bookmark Set - Psalm 107:4 

Kopp - Peace On Earth (Luke 2:14)

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 49 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

SMUG 174 Reisekopp - Teach Inspire Motivate (480ml)

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 200 NOK

MUG 940 Kopp - I Can Do All Things, Black and Silver Ceramic Coffee Mug - Philippians 4:13

Veil.pris: 249 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 150 NOK

KEP 022 Nøkkelring Joy Series- Blue

Veil.pris: 79 NOK

Tilbudspris: 49 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK

KMO 052 Nøkkelring i etui - Teacher - It Takes A Big Heart To Shape Little Minds

Pink Blessings for a #1 Teacher Key Ring in Gift Tin - 1 Corinthians 16:14 

Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 49 NOK

KMO 088 Nøkkelring i etui - Teacher - Best Teacher Ever

Best Teacher Ever Metal Key Ring in Gift Tin 

KMO 072 Nøkkelring med etui - Man of God

Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 129 NOK

Du sparer: 69 NOK

KMO 076 Nøkkelring i etui - I Love You Mom

I Love You, Mom Key Ring in Tin - Proverbs 31:29 

Nøkkelring - Stand Firm

Veil.pris: 89 NOK

Tilbudspris: 59 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK


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KMO 105 Nøkkelring - Strength & Dignity KMO 105 Nøkkelring - Strength & Dignity CAG

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